Donations year to date are:

Windeward Bound $3000 (includes $1000 from District)

2019 Women's Forum $2500

Mental 1st Aid (UTAS) $1350

True Trails $2272

True Trails provide unique Equine Assisted Learning programs in the Australian Core Skills; Learning, Literacy, Numeracy and Communication. They also supply well-being and work readiness programs

Warrane Neighbourhood Centre $3000

SKAL (Peace Park) $4330

This is for a new Peace Park at Macquarie Point.

Representation at national event $500

Iconic Walks $2000

These are Tasmania hiking experience that fundraise for the Stroke Foundation.

Bhutan Sky Hydrant $5000

SkyHydrant is a water purification unit that produces safe drinking water without the need for power or chemicals

Rostrum Voice of Youth $750

Clemente $3,000

Clemente aims to break the cycle of poverty, inequality and social injustice for people experiencing complex life challenges through access to university education.

Fiji Education $2,500

RYLA International attendance $500

Heritage Sailing $900

Menzies (money from Car parking) $ 834.20

Bushfires (car parking money) $242

Australian Rotary Health (medical research) $5,000

Rotary Foundation (Rotary's Charity) $ 11,132.70

National Youth Science Forum $ 4,700

Bushfire appeal (administered by Rotary Australia) $40,000